ASP 40 Sprink



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Technical Details

Nozzle Dlameter Pressure Radius Length Capacity Irrigated Area
 (mm) kg/cm² metre I/min m³/h
14 3 30 249,7 15,8 2827
14 4 33 288,7 18,2 3421
14 5 35 316,6 19,9 3848
16 3 32 311, 1 19,5 3216
16 4 36 362,2 22,5 4071
16 5 37 394,7 24,5 4300
18 3 34 392,3 25,4 3631
18 4 37 446,1 27,7 4300
18 5 39 499,1 31,9 4778
18 6 40 556,2 34,2 5026
20 3 38 466,2 29,4 4536
20 4 40 551,2 34,7 5026
20 5 44 618,6 38,6 6082
22 4 42 683,1 42,3 7694
22 5 46 755,1 46,7 6647
22 6 50 821,2 50,5 7853

General Description

High capacity, high pressure (3 – 7 atm) and impact sprinkler head rotating full circle or, when required, in a range set by angle adjustment. Replaceable nozzle ends and movable water jet breaker system allow you to water your land excellently with a unique water distribution. The smallest nozzle is 14 mm. It requires minimum 30 tons of water per hour thanks to this nozzle. The biggest nozzle, 28mm, consumes 80 tons of water per hour. It is the multifaceted model in the range of our products. It is widely used for field crops such as corn, sugar beet, potato, alfalfa, wheat, etc. Appropriate for all Agricultural and Industrial applications. Quick-adjustable nozzle that comes as standard with the product allows quick adjustment for high rotation at low pressure, slow rotation at high pressure, thus appropriate for all kinds of irrigation applications.

Extra Properties: It ensures event distribution of water excellently for short, medium and long distance thanks to two-hole nozzle mechanism; movable and adjustable water jet breaker and body angle of 25° makes this multifaceted model easy to use for irrigation and cooling of the orchards, field crops and for industrial applications.

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Dealerships will be given in Turkey for Ateşler Irrigation Sprinklers, which are used in many fields such as corn, beet, clover irrigation, etc. If you want to be our dealer, you can complete your application by filling out the form. Our customer representative will contact you as soon as possible.

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